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Car Rental Naxxar For Your Long Weekend Getaway

Booking inquiries at Naxxar pick up locations

Type Location Class Car Price Request performed
Naxxar (1 days) Economy Hyundai Getz €56.32 / day 1 day and 18 hours ago
Naxxar (1 days) Economy Hyundai Getz €56.32 / day 2 days and 9 hours ago
Naxxar (1 days) Economy Hyundai Getz €56.32 / day 3 days and 5 hours ago
Naxxar (1 days) Economy Hyundai Getz €56.32 / day 24 days and 3 hours ago
Naxxar (2 days) Compact Peugeot 307 Convertible €51.20 / day 25 days and 6 hours ago

When people have a three or four-day weekend free of work or school, they may look for something to do. And, the great thing about Naxxar car rental agencies is that they can help you plan out your weekend getaway so that you get a break from your hectic everyday life.  Car rental agencies in Naxxar are great because they can provide you with a vehicle and great weekend rental deals for Naxxar rental cars.  Thus, you save your own vehicle from wear and tear and you don’t have to pay out the nose for it.

Four Naxxar Well-Known Deals

You might be wondering what kind of weekend deals you can take advantage of for your weekend getaway. Some things that Naxxar car rental agencies will use to bring in customers include:

  1. $20 off on car rental Naxxar… if kept for two or more days.
  2. Low rates for every vehicle class such as $10 on economy car.
  3. Additional days on Naxxar rental agreement.
  4. Reduce rate on long-term rental agreements.

If you want to get the most bang for your buck and head out on a long weekend, then you need to take advantage of weekend car rental deals. After all, these deals can ensure you have a good time without spending a lot of money and saving your vehicle from wear and tear. Best of all, you can choose what kind of vehicle class to drive… all weekend long